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Geography & Geology : The trouble with sea cucumbers

FAO report says overfishing putting sea cukes at risk
Under pressure: sea cucumbers around the world are overfished.

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News : UNESCO and the Kingdom of Bahrain to establish centre for information and communication technology
Posted by niccosan on 2008/11/27 12:30:00 (1794 reads)

UNESCO Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, and the Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Majed Bin Ali Al Noami, yesterday signed an agreement paving the way for the establishment of a state-of-the-art Centre for Information and Communication Technology to serve the Arab Region.

The new centre, to be built in Manama (Bahrain) will contribute to the development of the Arab region by harnessing the power of information and communication technology (ICT) for knowledge creation and sharing.

A technology hub providing the latest computing infrastructure, it will serve as a laboratory of ideas for policy development, a clearing house for theories, experiences and good practices, and research centre. It will also provide training to build capacities in ICT for knowledge sharing and acquisition throughout the Arab Region.

“The new centre will make an important contribution to the construction of knowledge societies in the Arab States,” said Mr Matsuura at the signing ceremony.

Stressing that importance of the cooperation between Bahrain and UNESCO, Majed Bin Ali Al Noami expressed the hope that the centre, which will be located in the premises of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Ministry of Education, should be operational within about two years.

The agreement for the centre was signed at the 48th Session of UNESCO’s International Conference on Education, which opened on 25 November in Geneva. Almost 100 education ministers from all regions of the world are attending the week-long conference, which is focused on inclusive education.

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