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Geography & Geology : The trouble with sea cucumbers

FAO report says overfishing putting sea cukes at risk
Under pressure: sea cucumbers around the world are overfished.

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Medicine : New hope in Liberia pest outbreak?
Posted by niccosan on 2009/2/4 12:40:00 (1928 reads)

4 February 2009, Rome – Findings made during a field verification and evaluation visit by an international team of scientists led by experts from FAO and the Government of Liberia suggest that the potential threats of current and future outbreaks in the ongoing Liberian caterpillar plague could be contained more easily than previously thought.

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Tecnology : Sustainable and healthy transport can help boost economies
Posted by niccosan on 2009/1/22 12:00:00 (1817 reads)

The global financial crisis is challenging governments committed to implementing international agreements to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. At the High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and Environment in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, policy-makers from ministries of transport, health and the environment across Europe are examining how innovative transport policies can create employment and economic opportunities for a healthier society. Hosted by the Government of the Netherlands, the High-level Meeting is taking place on 22–23 January 2009 and was organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

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Tecnology : 
Posted by niccosan on 2009/1/22 1:00:00 (1795 reads)

In recent decades, the rapid growth of road transport in the European Region, while supporting economic development and integration, has harmed health and the environment through congestion, road traffic crashes, air and noise pollution, and contributing to sedentary lifestyles and emissions of greenhouse gases. The health and environmental consequences of transport affect most of the population, not just transport users.

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Tecnology : Complexity ideas from condensed matter and statistical physics
Posted by niccosan on 2009/1/21 11:50:00 (2216 reads)

This field of physics was originally identified as Solid State Physics. Later P.W. Anderson coined the term Condensed Matter Physics and more recently it has merged with Statistical Physics to lead to the Physics of Complex Systems.

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News : Do lifestyle interventions work?
Posted by niccosan on 2009/1/5 18:00:00 (1822 reads)

GENEVA – Lifestyle interventions can significantly improve the diet and levels of physical activity of entire communities, according to research published today in the international public health journal, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.

Lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, heavily burden health-care systems, a problem that is increasing in developing countries.

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News : 
Posted by niccosan on 2008/12/18 12:30:00 (1747 reads)

The ‘Electronic Government Model for World Heritage Cities’ project, launched by UNESCO’s Information for All Programme (IFAP) in 2006 and financed by the Government of Spain through its Ministry of Public Administration, was officially closed in Quito on 24 November.

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News : Understanding the molecular process at the basis of polymerization processes of neurotoxic beta-amyloid
Posted by niccosan on 2008/12/17 13:00:00 (2000 reads)

Understanding the molecular process at the basis of polymerization processes of neurotoxic beta-amyloid can give important contributions for designing new therapies for Alzhemier Disease.

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News : Neural markers of a greater female responsiveness to social stimuli
Posted by niccosan on 2008/12/17 12:50:00 (9112 reads)


Background. There is fMRI evidence that women are neurally predisposed to process infant laughter and crying. Other findings show that women might be more empathic and sensitive than men to emotional facial expressions. However, no gender difference in the brain responses to persons and unanimated scenes has hitherto been demonstrated.

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News : WPFC 20th Annual Anderson-Ottaway lecture focuses on freedom of expression and religion
Posted by niccosan on 2008/12/17 12:30:00 (2090 reads)

"The greatest threat to free speech and freedom of conscience embodied in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the current debate over speech and religion," said distinguished US First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams.

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Medicine : Tolerable levels for melamine established at a WHO meeting
Posted by niccosan on 2008/12/5 12:00:00 (1972 reads)

GENEVA- International experts have established a tolerable daily intake (TDI) for melamine, the implicated chemical found recently in contaminated milk products. The TDI is the outcome of a meeting organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) held this week in Ottawa, Canada to address the issue. The TDI is lower than previous TDIs suggested for melamine by some national food safety authorities.

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