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Geography & Geology : The trouble with sea cucumbers

FAO report says overfishing putting sea cukes at risk
Under pressure: sea cucumbers around the world are overfished.

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Geography & Geology : The trouble with sea cucumbers
Posted by niccosan on 2009/4/1 11:50:00 (7092 reads)

FAO report says overfishing putting sea cukes at risk

Under pressure: sea cucumbers around the world are overfished.

1 April 2009, Rome - For many in the western world, they're a summer oddity — strange blobs we sometimes see bobbing about on the seafloor beneath us during a day at the beach.

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Geography & Geology : Who sending medicines for 60 000 Affected by drc crisis
Posted by niccosan on 2008/10/31 12:10:00 (1981 reads)

31 October, 2008 ¦ GOMA/GENEVA -- The World Health Organization and Italy will be sending 10 tonnes of medical supplies to help the tens of thousands of people affected by the ongoing insecurity in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Intensive efforts are needed to prevent the spread of communicable diseases among the fleeing population and to treat the physical trauma caused by the violence.

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Geography & Geology : "Climate change 2007", the Fourth Assessment of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) is now complete with the release of the Synthesis Report.
Posted by niccosan on 2007/12/3 11:30:00 (2634 reads)

WHO/Europe contributed to "Climate change 2007" on health impacts and public health responses.
Read the key messages on health.

Key health messages of the Fourth Assessment Report of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC)[..]

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Geography & Geology : Measles deaths in Africa plunge by 91%
Posted by niccosan on 2007/11/29 10:50:00 (5122 reads)

Africa leads a strong decline in global measles deaths.

Measles deaths in Africa fell by 91% between 2000 and 2006, from an estimated 396 000 to 36 000, reaching the United Nations 2010 goal to cut measles deaths by 90% four years early. The spectacular gains achieved in Africa helped generate a strong decline in global measles deaths, which fell 68% worldwide – from an estimated 757 000 to 242 000 – during this period.

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Geography & Geology : Ceremonies around the world mark
Posted by niccosan on 2007/11/17 10:40:00 (4168 reads)

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

18 November 2007 ¦ Geneva -- Road crashes kill 1.2 million people every year and injure or disable as many as 50 million more. They are the leading cause of death among young people between 10 and 24 years. The World Day of Remembrance - the third Sunday of November each year - draws attention to the devastating consequences of these deaths and the need for action.

This year a number of events are being planned by victims' associations and other groups, including among others:

In various countries, through an activity called "Remember and Reflect", candles will be lit in public spaces and private homes across many continents in honour of those killed. As the light vanishes on one continent, it will be kindled on another.

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Geography & Geology : Crack-down on Chemicals Criminals in Asia Pacific Registers First Successes
Posted by niccosan on 2007/2/12 1:30:00 (2741 reads)

Customs Officers Intercept Illegal Ozone Damaging Substances Under UNEP-Backed Project Skyhole Patching
A new initiative to monitor and curb illegal trade in chemicals that damage the ozone layer-- the Earth’s protective shield-- has begun registering some of it first promising results.
Today it was announced that seizures of up to 64.8 tons of illegal ozone depleting substance (ODS) have been reported in China, India, Thailand and other countries following the start of Project Skyhole Patching.

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Geography & Geology : After historic ratification, European countries meet for the first time to improve water management and curb water-related diseases
Posted by niccosan on 2007/1/17 1:20:00 (2140 reads)

On 17 January 2007, the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes are meeting in Geneva for the first time. Their goal is to translate into action the Protocol’s provisions for the coming three years. The meeting is expected to launch ambitious programmes to prevent, control and reduce water-related diseases.

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Geography & Geology : NASA Technology Captures Massive Hurricane Waves
Posted by niccosan on 2006/9/26 1:40:00 (6700 reads)
Geography & Geology


A hurricane's fury can be relentless, from frightening winds, to torrential rains and flooding. These storms also create enormous ocean waves that are hazardous to ships. And through storm surges of up to 30 feet the storms can demolish shoreline structures, erode beaches and wash out coastal roads.

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